Before you get started!

Warning!!! Please read this before printing!

Clean Workspace

It is crucial, that your production environment is absolutely clean!!!


Behave like you are infected. Use the respirator and for the next batches ideally the face shield.


Wash your tools and hands regularly, if possible use gloves.


Don't store the parts in one place, separate them into multiple batches. Avoid cross-contamination! Use sealable bags! The virus is expected to die after 96 hours


Talk to whoever will use this shield (doctors, police, ...). Discuss possible adjustments. One design might not fit all.

Important Notes

  • Act as if you were infected by the COVID-19 virus. Wear a face mask and a fresh pair of gloves when collecting each batch of printed parts. Store the parts immediately in a sealable bag.
  • Talk with whoever you’re making the shields for, let them know about your manufacturing environment
  • There is still debate about how long the virus survives on plastic, but most sources mention 2-3 days. That means that by letting the packed face shields sit for 2-3 days before distributing them, you’ll greatly reduce risk of transmission
  • Do not store the entire stock in one place, minimize the risk of cross contamination

Printing Notes

  • Supports are not necessary.
  • Print with at least 3 perimeters, about 30% infill.
  • Ideally, print it from PETG (ABS works too). This is due to sanitation purposes.


G-Code Files
STL Files
Assembly Guide
Link to PRUSA Design

Shipping/Packaging Info

  • We ask that you ship in increments of 20.
  • Please write the # of parts and date of the last production on the box.
  • Then, fill out the donation form here. This will allow us to keep track of all contributions.

Based on your location, we have two hubs available you can ship to.

Synergy Mill – Maker Space Greenville
400 Birnie Street Suite B
Greenville, SC, 29611

Maker Nexus
234 East Caribbean Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
If being dropped off, leave outside their front door.