I Want to Donate
We are a nationwide community of volunteer independent producers of life-saving PPE for first-responders treating COVID-19. Nearly 1500 individuals strong, the network is donating time and materials to produce face shields that are distributed for free through a crowdsourced network.
Watch What Our Makers Are Doing! Digital art works by artists from European countries will be exhibited at online platform. Get your own virtual space to exhibit and manage your digital art collection.
Machine learning in pharmacovigilance is becoming increasingly available to everyone, including those who dedicate their work to the use of analytics in pharmacovigilance with the objective of increasing the benefit / risk ratio of a medicinal product.

Calling all MAKERS. Here’s how you can help!
Whether you have a 3D printer, laser cutter or elastics, start making as many as you can!
Read GuidelinesSHIP
Ship your completed parts to our hub. We ask that you ship in increments of 20. Please write the # of parts and date of the last production on the box. Then, fill out the donation form below.
East Coast Hub
West Coast Hub
Updates on our Progress
March 21, 2020
- Slack channel created which garners over 800 members in one day.
- Over 50 3D printers secured and three cutters for plastic shields
March 29, 2020
Wow! We started our GoFundMe just a little over a day ago and we collected $1440! We’re making a big difference one face shield at a time. My sister reached out to me who works as a nurse in the ICU in Georgia was touched and thanked me. And I’m sure you may also have a family member who works in healthcare, so you can relate. Here are some updates so far:
- We’ve purchased 5000 meters of elastic button holes for .16 cents a unit. This should supply roughly 17K face shields.
- We are in talks with a large manufacturer to help us with the halo production via a mold
- We started receiving halos, shields and elastics. Cleaning, sanitizing, assembly and distribution will happen starting this week from our South Carolina hub.
- We will post a public document on donations inbound and our spendings. 100% of it will go toward the making of the face shields. None of it will go toward administrative fees.
- RC2 and RC3 are both good to print. Domed and original face shield cutout works. Some hospitals prefer the domed version from Maker Nexus. They are available on the website here: https://3dforcovid.com/makers/
We will try to update everyone once every two days on our progress. If you’ve delivered face shields to your local hospitals and have images, please drop them in the channel @mediadrop so we can share it. Please share our GoFundMe page in your social channels. We’re so excited to be a part of this amazing movement. https://www.gofundme.com/f/face-shields-for-hospitalsmedical-pros
April 15
We received our first shipment of injection molded parts today! We will be ramping up production to allow us to cover more workers with face shields.